Monthly Distance Healings
Soul Remedies, Destiny Support, Alignments, Clearings, Activations, Purification, Seals of Protection
and more around the 1st of each month by Aurora with Divine Hosts of Light
You will receive…
A tremendous increase of light as you are cleared each month from human debris, pain from your past, and patterns of imperfection that traversed your family line and your soul lineage wherever you are without you needing to be present. On the first of each month, simply set clear intentions, affirm your vision, and/or write out your request placing it on an altar or sacred space in your home. You can light a candle, say prayers, meditate on your vision for your life and for your loved ones.
Detailed email each month on what took place that includes a personal message from the Divine Ones who worked on your behalf.
Each month, Aurora will be working with the Divine Ones on your behalf for your greatest Soul Advancement. Blessings, miracles, and precious connection with the Divine Realms can be the result as you tune in monthly knowing that the Divine Ones are very present with you, assisting you in every area of your life, cleansing your path, accelerating your Soul Advancement, and blessing your loved ones as well. You can ask to be shown what is taking place on your behalf and tuning in with your Divine Self, receive important messages and insights.
A monthly reoccurring payment plan will be set up
so you and your loved ones never miss out on a healing
Only $100 a Month – Tax Deductible Donation!