Divine Healing Transmlssions/Activations

Divine Healing Transmissions & Activations
Powerful Transmissions From the Realms of Light

See Latest Transmissions at Bottom of Page

In the tradition of the Oracles of Delphi, whose ministry helped allow Divine Ones to speak to humanity at a time of great need, these Divine Healing Transmissions facilitated by Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD, are designed for the advancement of humanity into an Age of Freedom, Enlightenment and Peace. Partaking of them allows powerful healings and timely activations to take place. These Divine Healing Transmissions are powerful healing releases resolving soul dilemmas where a shift in perspective is available as Divine Miracles take place. The Temple of Sacred Alchemy is activated and Divine Ones step forth to administer to you that can include your personal angels, Inner Healer, Divine Sponsors, and Higher Self.

As in ancient times, when Oracles accessed Divine Realms to bring forth timely Healings, Initiations, Activations, Insights and Knowledge… these timely offerings from Realms on High can include Soul Advancing Activations, DNA recoding, Brain Chemistry Balancing, Pineal Activation, Third Eye Opening, Chakra Clearing, Relationship Healing, Self Image Restoration, and more. Powerful, landmark healings can take place. The more open and ready the recipient, the more that can take place, healing family dynamics and patterns and positively affecting everyone in the lineage, while also working at deep levels within the psyche of humanity bringing positive change to Awakening Souls worldwide.

These Divine Healing Transmissions address the challenging configurations that keep you from actualizing your full potential. If you’re seeking direction, ready to go the next level in your Life’s Purpose and/or to bring forth your unique offerings, the Activation you receive can catapult you into the next level of your Awakening, Soul Advancement, and Service accelerating you tremendously. If you’ve been dealing with a condition, situation or relationship you feel trapped in or held back by and are ready to step free, these Healing Activations can give you a safe compassionate forum that motivates clarity and change. Insightful and dynamic, these healings, activations and clearings can transform the way you see yourself and your situation, bringing you timely insights, while healing the underlying causes to catalyze fast positive change.

Now You Can Avail Yourself of the Light Filled Activations
that are transforming lives worldwide!

Fill your library with Divine Healing Transmissions
to use with your groups or personal advancement
Each CD or Download MP3 is available
with a $33 Tax Deductible Donation to our Global Healing Ministry.

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See Most Recent Divine Healing Transmissions At Bottom

7 Ray Activations by 7 Divine Ones in the Realms of Light

Experience 7 Powerful Divine Healing Transmissions from 7 Divine Ones in the Realms of Light (Sanat Kumara and Venus, Helios and Vesta, El Morya, 7 Holy Kumaras from Venus, Mother Mary, Pallas Athena, and Alpha and Omega) and watch your life completely transform from the inside out. This tremendous release of light is unparalleled in humanity's experience as a host of Divine Ones serve an Awakening World at this historic time, heralding in a Golden Age of Great Abundance and Prosperity for all. Buy CD or Download Now

7 Sacred Codes Activation by Mother Mary, Amora, Elohim of Love and other Divine Ones from the Realms of Light

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888 Infinite Wealth Activation

A Powerful Abundance Activation by Amora, the Elohim of Love increasing your Wealth and anchoring the Golden Age on Earth.

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Abundance Activation by the Elohim of Love

A Powerful Divine Healing Transmission from Amora, the Elohim of Love to assist you in living the Abundant Life and breaking through financial constraints to attaining True Wealth, your Divine Birthright.

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Ascension Destiny Code Activation by Serapis Bey

A Destiny Code Activation by Serapis Bey in the Ascension Temple over Luxor to activate the and accelerate the Ascension in you and humanity at this significant time.

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Ascension in the Light Activation from the Planetary Logos
A Divine Healing Transmission from the Planetary Logos with Alpha and Omega, the 7 Mighty Elohim and their Divine Complements, Violet Ray Angels and others in the Realms of Light. Purchase CD
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Awakening the Lost Codes Activation by the God and Goddess Meru

A Powerful Activation by the God and Goddess Meru from their Etheric Retreat over Lake Titicaca, awakening the Lost Codes in humanity to assist in manifesting a Golden Age on Earth by anchoring the Lemurian Codes and Legacy once known in the Garden of Eden. Buy CD or Download Now



Blue Ray Activation by Archangel Michael

A Divine Healing Transmission from Archangel Michael and his Blue Flame Angels in the Realms of Light.

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Cornucopia of Wealth Activation by Fairy Queen Fiona

A powerful Cornucopia of Wealth Activation by Queen Fiona of the Fairy Kingdom clearing the way for you to live a vibrant Abundant Life in True Wealth. Buy CD or Download Now




Diamond Light of Love – Secret Love Star Activation by Venus and Sanat Kumara

A Violet Ray Divine Healing Transmission from Venus, Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras of the Etheric Realms of Venus, the Elohim of Love, Eros and Amora, Archangels and Legions of Light.  Buy CD or Download Now



Divine Abundance Activations by Mother Mary and Amora Elohim of Love

Divine Healing Activations to assist you in living an Abundant Life.

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Divine Healing Activation by Mother Mary

A Divine Healing Transmission from Mother Mary and the Rose Temple of Divine Love in the Realms of Light.

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Divine Logos Activation by Alpha and Omega: A Divine Healing Transmission from Alpha and Omega, representatives of Father Mother God for this system of worlds, from the Great Central Sun in the Realms of Light.

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Divine Love Activation from the Elohim of Love: A Divine Healing Transmission from Eros and Amora, the Elohim of Love in the Realms of Light.

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Earth Star Activation by Queen Fiona of the Fairy Kingdom 
A Divine Healing Transmission from Queen Fiona of the Fairy Kingdom that has been transforming people all over the planet. She brings you up into the Fairy Kingdoms where you commune with Elemental Life and receive the bountiful blessings as your Abundance is increased. Buy CD or Download Now



Emerald Ray Activation by Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary

A Powerful Divine Healing Transmission from Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary in the Realms of Light.

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Freedom's Holy Light Activation

A Powerful Divine Healing Transmission from Lords of Freedom from the Realms of Light setting humanity free.

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Golden Age Abundance Activation by God and Goddess of Gold

An unprecedented Divine Healing Transmission from the Realms of Light by the God and Goddess of Gold, Laksme, God and Goddess Meru, and Alpha and Omega restoring the Divine Economy in the World and the Abundant Life for all. Buy CD or Download Now


Golden Light of Peace Activation by Gautama Buddha

A Spectacular Divine Healing Transmission by Gautama Buddha from Shamballa in the Realms of Light, anchoring the Divine Intention for your Soul, all humanity and Elemental Life. Buy CD or Download Now



Light of the Christos Activation by the Seraphim of the Holy Light

A Powerful Divine Healing Transmission from the Seraphim anchoring the Light of the Christos within the Souls of Humanity from the Realms of Light.

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Planetary Activation by Alpha and Omega

A Powerful Divine Healing Transmission from Alpha and Omega, Representatives of Father Mother God for this system of worlds from the Great Central Sun.

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Rose Light of Love Activation and Anointing by Mother Mary

A Light Filled Activation and Special Anointing by Mother Mary.

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Sacred Destiny Activations by Mother Mary

Powerful Divine Healing Transmissions from Mother Mary and the Rose Temple of Divine Love in the Realms of Light assisting you to embody your Sacred Destiny.

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Sacred Heart Activation by Mother Mary, Jesus, Mary Magdalene & Archangel Michael

A Divine Healing Transmission and Activation to heal and expand your heart, anchor you in your Authentic Self and accelerate your Destiny Potential.

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Supreme Wealth Activation by Serapis Bey

A Soul Accelerating Divine Healing Transmission from Serapis Bey, Hierarch of the Ascension Flame over Luxor, assisting you to embrace the WEALTH that is your True Birthright.

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The Light Eternal Activations

Life Changing Healing Activations from 7 Sacred Priestesses in Realms Divine, a Soul Fire Activation from Illumined Ones in Celestial Realms and a Divine Blessing from a Sacred Sister from the Light Eternal. 

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The Light Victorious Activation by Mighty Victory

A Power packed Activation by Mighty Victory and his Legions of Light.

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True Divine Wealth Activation by Lumina

Experience the glorious release of LIGHT empowering your True Divine Wealth by Lumina with Archangels, Elohim and Great Cosmic Beings.

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Twin Flame Activation by Elohim Eros and Amora

A Powerful Healing Activation by Elohim Eros and Amora. Buy CD or  Download Now




Victorious Light of the Elohim Activation

A Divine Healing Transmission from the Elohim in the Realms of Light bringing the Victory for the Earth and all inhabitants.

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Victory in the Ascension Activations from the Realms of Light

A tremendous Divine Healing Transmission activating the Ascension Codes in the DNA.

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Violet Ray Ascension Activation by Archangel Zadkiel, Holy Amethyst and Violet Ray Angels

A Fantastic Divine Healing Transmission by Archangel Zadkiel, Holy Amethyst, and the Violet Ray Angels from the Realms of Light. Buy CD or Download Now



White Fire Activation by Alpha and Omega

A powerful Healing Activation by Alpha and Omega, representatives of Father Mother God.

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Resurrection Fire Alchemy Activation by Divine Ones & the Future

Sacred Destiny Codes Activation from the Future

Light Code Activation from 2023 & Realms of Light

Crystalline Code Activation from the Future

888 Abundance Alchemy Activation

Elysian Fields Activation

Crystal Light Codes Activation

Ancient Codes Activation by the Whales

Codes of Destiny Activation by 7 Seraphim

Christic Light Code Activation by Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary
& Sacred Priestesses from the Realms of Light

Ascension Activation Alignment by the Elohim Lumina, the 7 Elohim
& Divine Sponsors of the Temple of Sacred Alchemy

Flame of Truth Activation by Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth

Prosperity Acceleration Activation
by Queen Fiona, King Shahalian, Elemental Kingdoms and Host of Light

Ascension Accelerator Activation
by Serapis Bey of the Ascension Temple

Light of Shamballa – Golden Age Activation
by Gautama Buddha & the 7 Buddhas from Shamballa

Crystalline Fire Activation
by the Crystalline Fire Elements & Hosts of Light

The Shekinah Glory Activation
by Alpha & Omega, Representatives of the Father/Mother God,
7 Elohim & their Divine Complements, Mother Mary & 7 Archangels & Archeia
& Divine Sponsors of the Temple of Sacred Alchemy & this Global Healing Mission & Activity of Light

Divine Alchemy Activation
by the Guardians of Light from the Future, Our Future Selves & Hosts of Light

New Earth Activation
by the Guardians of Light from the Future
and through the Elementals and Hosts of Light to help anchor the New Earth

 Ascension Fire Activation  
by the Dragons of Divinity, Elementals and Hosts of Light

by Alpha & Omega, Representatives of Father Mother God

by the Christic Alliance

by the Elemental Allies of this Activity of Light

by the Elohim of Love, Eros & Amora

New Dawn Activation
by King Schiehallion and Queen Fiona

Flower of Life Activation
by Guardians of Light from the Future

Earth Destiny Code Activation
by the Angels of Divine Mercy





Earth Alliance Activation
by Alpha and Omega

Divine Dolphinic Initiation & Crystalline Code Activation 
By a Celestial Band of Dolphins

Divinity of Prosperity Code Activation 
by the Goddess of Abundance From the Celestial Realms of Light

Activation of Divine Senses
by the Deities of Divinity

Light of the Divine Mother Activation
by Kuan Yin and Bodhisattvas from the Realms of Light

Star of the Christos Activation
by the 3 Magi, Dwal Khul, El Morya, and Kuthumi

Venusian Elixir & Divine Code Activation
New Year's Address – January 11, 2020 by the Holy Kumaras of Venus, Sanat Kumara, Venus & their Legions Of Light, 
Guardians of Light from the Future, God & Goddess Meru, Saint Germain, King Schahalian, 
Queen Fiona & our Elemental Allies

Twin Soul Alignment & Venus Love Ray Activation

by Sanat Kumara, Lady Master Venus, the God and Goddess of Meru,
Guardian of the Light from the Future Divine Complements

Earth Crystalline Code Activation
by Archangel Michael, Queen Fiona, Lady Master Venus, and Amitabha Buddha

Light of Truth Activation w Violet Ray Cleanse
by the Elohim Amazonia, Archangel Amethyst, and Alpha and Omega

Light of the Golden Ray Activation & Golden Buddha Initiation
by Amitabha Buddha

Seraphim of the Light – God Consciousness Activation
by the Seraphim of the Mighty Light

Symphony of Divine Grace Activation
by the Guardians of Light from the Future & Mother Mary

Wealth and Prosperity Activation
by the Goddess of Wealth

Light of the Ascension Flame Activation
by Serapis Bey, Hierarch of the Aquarian Age

Victory of the Light Activation
by Mighty Victory and His Legions, the Beloved Archangels, Seraphim and Others

Includes a Divine Healing Elixirs by Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Golden Buddhas of Shamballa and the Kumaras from Venus as well as Light Code Activations and More

Light of Liberty Activation
by the Goddesses of Truth, Justice and Liberty

Sacred Union Activation
by Babaji, Joseph (St Germain) and Jesus





New Year's Day Global Healing Event
by the Archangels and Hosts of Light

Archangelic Divine Alignment Activation & Violet Ray Cleanse
by Archangels Zadkiel & Holy Amethyst, Mother Mary & Hosts of Light

Elohim Light of Love Activation
by Elohim of Love, Eros and Amora & Hosts of Light

Light of Eden Activation
by Alsatia, Aramonde & Leandra of the Elemental Clans and Kingdoms
along with the Hosts of Light

Sacred Fire of Love Activation
by the Goddess of Love

Light of the Buddhas Activation
by Siddhartha (Gautama Buddha), Amitabha Buddha, the Golden Buddhas from Shamballa & Babaji

Ascension Awakening Activation
by Serapis Bey and Hosts of Light

The Great Harvest Activation 
by the Goddess of Abundance, Prosperity and Ease, and the Elemental Kingdoms Restoring the Divine Plan on Earth







Crystalline Pattern of Divine Perfection
with 7 Activations from Representatives of 7 Hierarchies of Light

Abundant Life Activation & Master Recode
by Goddess of Wealth and Elemental Allies of our Global Healing Ministry

The Glorious Light Activation
by the Ascended Ones of Telos, Venusian Masters and Hosts of Light

Chrysalis of Divinity Activation
by Archangels Zadkiel & Holy Amethyst with their Archangelic Legions and other Hosts of Light

Miracles of Divine Mercy Activation
A Timely Remedy from the Realms of Light by Kuan Yin and her Legions of Divine Mercy

Frankinsense & Myrrh Activation
By Babaji with Joseph, Jesus & Himalayan Masters

Heralding in the New Dawn Activation
by Mother Mary & the Archangels

Venusian Love Ray Activation
by Venus, Sanat Kumara, Archangels & Hosts of Light

Alchemy of Delight Activation
by the Beloved Elementals, Archangels and Hosts of Light

Quantum Self Activation
by Mighty Victory and his Legions of Light

Light of Shamballa Golden Buddha Activation
by Gautama Buddha with Amitabha, Golden Buddhas from Shamballa, Babaji and Yogananda

Majestic Presence Activation
by the Divine Master Dwellers of Inner Earth

Mighty Destiny Activation
by Alpha and Omega, Archangels, Elohim & Great Cosmic Being

Garden of Eden Activation
by Venus, Sanat Kumara, the Kumara Venusian Masters, Archangels, Mother Mary & Others

Starfire Activation
by Mother Mary, Pallas Athena, Kuan Yin & Other Divine Feminine Masters

Light of New Dawn Activation
by the Elohim of Peace

Elohim Love Activation
By the Elohim of the 7 Rays

Song of the Christos Activation
By Babaji, Himalayan Masters, Mother Mary, Jesus & the Essene Community of Light

Hallelujah Activation
by Mother Mary & the Archangels

Love Ray Activation
by the Beloved Elohim, Eros & Amora

Song of Delight Activation
by the Beloved Elementals of the Nature Spirit Kingdoms

Heart of Lemuria Activation
by Venus, Sanat Kumara and the Divine Masters (Kumaras) of Venus

Immaculate Heart Divine Design Activation
by the Venusian Hierarchies of Light

Divine Harmony Activation
by the Guardians of Light from the Future

Divine Destiny Activation
by the Guardians of Light from the Future & Divine Planetary Elders

Angelic Harmonic of Divinity Activation
by the Archangels, Devas, Seraphim & Angelic Hosts

The Great Harvest Activation
by the Goddess of Abundance, Prosperity & Ease

Light of the Ages, Eternal Song of Glory Activation
by the Harmonic Devic Delegations

Divine Code Frequency Light Body Activation
by the Divine Directors of Earth’s High Destiny Fulfilled

Ancient Echoes of Divinity Activation
By Babaji, Jesus, Joseph, Mary and other Divine Masters

Archangelic Awakening Transmission w/Quantum Self Activation & Alignment
by Mother Mary and the Archangels

Phoenix Rising Activation
By the Beloved Elohim

Cornucopia of Abundance & Prosperity
by Alsatia, Aramonde & Blessed Elemental Allies

Global Alignment Under Great Divine Plan Activation
by the Masterful Beings from Venus

Illumination Activation
by Gautama Buddha, Amitabha Buddha & Golden Buddhas of Shamballa in the Realms of Light

Divine Self Activation
by Kuan Yin, Mother Mary, Pallas Athena & Divine Feminine Masters from Realms of Light

































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